Ms A's simple pleasures

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Shall we dance ? The Iron Lady

Blog 友dd介紹The Iron Lady鐵娘子一片,她在blog文中引述片中鐵娘子所說:

I care about what you THINK, because what you think becomes your WORDS and your words become your ACTION, and your actions become your HABIT and your habits will become your CHARACTER and your character will pave your DESTINY.

此句引得Ms A心癢難耐,立即去圕一借!


What? What am I ‘bound to be feeling?’ People don’t think anymore. They feel. ‘How are you feeling? No, I don’t feel comfortable. I’m sorry, we as a group we’re feeling….’ One of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas. Thoughts and ideas. That interests me. Ask me what I’m thinking.”

片中還有很多語錄值得同味...例如關於原則上的: On Principle: “We will stand on principle or we will not stand at all.”

以今昔穿插的敘事方式,回顧了"鐵娘子-戴卓爾夫人"的政治和婚姻,在保守的英國以一介女性之姿闖進男人專屬的政壇,所受歧視和付出勇氣和毅力實非一般人所逮,及後對國家所做出的種種政策,更是崎嶇難行。她的先生Denis Thatcher的相遇相知和扶持,以一首Shall we dance貫注他們鰜鰈情深。 她一面為逝世丈夫的幻影和思念所苦,一面回憶過去極富爭議的政治生涯。



郵差叔叔 said...


Ms A said...

[版主回覆06/23/2012 03:05:58]我不能回覆你們,但見解如下: 我十分認同她在稅務法上見解,有清晰的principle,
Colleague asked: Prime Minister I just don't think we can ask the poorest of the poor... to pay the same amount of tax as a multi-millionaire.
Mrs Thatcher: There it is again! Why not?
Colleague: Because - Because people... on the whole... think that the tax is manifestly unfair.
Mrs Thatcher: Nonsense. Arrant nonsense. This is a simple proposition. In order to live in this country, you must pay for the privilege- something, anything! If you pay nothing, you care nothing. What do you care where you throw your rubbish? Your council estate is a mess, your town, graffiti, what do you care? It's not your problem, it's somebody else's problem- it's the government's problem! Your problem... Some of you, is that you haven't got the courage for this fight. You haven't had to fight hard for anything. It's all been given to you- and you feel guilty about it! Well, may I say, on behalf of all those who have had to fight their way up, and who don't feel guilty about it... we resent those slackers who take, take, take...and contribute nothing to the community! And I see the same thing, the same cowardice... in our fight within the European Union

忘憂草 said...

草,也會買這隻DVD 看,除了因為載卓爾夫人的魅力外…
[版主回覆06/24/2012 23:09:35]對有錢名人自傳類、一向麻麻哋,但平民白手因才能上位成功的又另當別論...尤其我由小看到大的載卓爾夫人


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