Ms A's simple pleasures

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

繼續討厭的Diversity training

在課堂中的Diversity可以說是非常有趣味性﹔他們会要求同學互相發問很多問題: 包括個人資料、背景、分享討論對一般常遇到種族文化、語言不同、 性別、年齡、宗教、同性戀、傷殘人仕、單親家庭、平等就業等等歧視例子的看法及點樣適當應付別人帶有色眼鏡來針對以上論点。亦指出對人與人溝通的重要、對事物的客觀和雙面睇法,要識欣賞和了解對方與自己的長處、並互補不足,發輝最好的Team work精神,擴濶你視嘢~

Understanding others is not about changing your"point of view"'s about changing your " viewing point".

But我身份是非常match他們的主題: 因為在坐只有我是有種族、 文化背景、語言不同、平等等問題的different﹔非常附合Diversity的目的‧‧‧‧而當我看到一份問卷時,我已经暈倒啦(雖然每人都要填)是Life experiences呀!差不多全方位大起底.....e.g.:

If you grew up in this or another country, in what area / region did you live the longest?

How would you describle the environment?

what, if any, core values and beliefs did you adopt from these experiences that now guide you in personal and work life?

In considering your family life as you were grow up, in what ways have your racial, ethinic, and/or religious background and upbringing influenced your beliefs and assumptions?

Think back to your first encounter with someone who was different in terms of race, ethnic background, language, socioeconomic level, education, sexual orientation, and physicalor mental disability? How old are you? What happened? was this a positive or negative experience? Why?

呢D只是部份問題而矣....仲有好多好多好多! 我呢個人板,老師是非常鐘意的,經常問我点睇?我是中國華僑,好多嘢会好唔自在答你又唔似美國人有一套標準答案(因為背景相同、生長環境一樣、看法大致一樣)。亦因自小的思想教育,有好多嘢連friend 都唔會講,現在仲乜要同你哋三唔識七嘅人分享?! 而且我英文差,講得多咪錯得仲多!

佢哋亦永遠永遠都唔明白我哋處境(好似隻牛点会明白隻蟻的處境一樣),又好似以前HK人見到大陸璨一樣。一定帶有色眼鏡望你!好多美國人仲以為我哋國家仲useing bicycle代步,家中只有電風扇!總之對佢就喺二等公民啦!通常Bank wide course training,有好多其他Location and department嘅人会來; 佢哋第一句会問你: Where are you come from? 我在腦海中已經是一個A,B,C選擇題:

A. Princeton (Office)

B. Marlboro (Home) 大多人問你來自那裡,老外會答住喺邊區

C. Hong Kong (Nationally)

究竟我要答邊個?仲要答得快,否則人哋以為你笨呀這只是其中一個最簡單問題喳!我要面對同類嘅問題真喺多如繁星‧‧‧‧唔知点答又或者跟本未諗過唔識答!有時我真喺想做一個道地的美國人(請不要誤會,我不是引自己民族為恥) 可以一齊都平凡–簡單,又或者可以有一套平凡嘅model answere‧‧‧‧唔会被人問住‧‧‧‧

而今日嘅無聊問題之一是你的名字怎樣由來?(First name and Mid name) OMG! How am I explain to them our Chinese First and Mid name is not separate? 家中有乜金句? (golden rule)

一陣又要玩card game(冚棉胎)...天呀!美國女人手上 載成五、六、七隻戒子,冚落去,咪手掌傷兼痛?!

所以我討厭去Diversity training‧‧‧‧去被人盤問同作答,亦唔鈡意被人喋喋不休追問; 請尊重私隱。當我想講時自然会同大家分享啦‧‧‧‧當然若沒有人盤問,我是非常鈡意take course !哈哈~~~八掛嘛

P.S. Diversity在美是非常敏感、嚴蕭的話題! 上堂的內容是由政府指引﹔專業人員是需在大學專收課程。所以不想隨便公開上Blog,因為有好多街客亦是美國華僑,我唔想煩!


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